
Archive for September, 2015

Time to blog again?

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here. Between work, my photography business, and being a mom to 3 busy kiddos, it is sometimes hard to find time to do anything else. I thought I was done here. However, lately I’ve felt an urgency to document. Time is flying. My babies are turning into children who will continue to move through the various phases of life at lightning speed.

Most days, something happens I hope I will remember, but know that isn’t realistic. So I’ve decided to start writing here again to record as much as I can, for myself and for my children.

I’m sure I have a lot of catching up to do but for now…

Quentin got his first tooth today! He’s 11 months, which I believe is how old Liam was when his first tooth popped through as well. Elena was our early teether.

Liam and Elena stayed with Nathan’s parents a couple nights this week, and his mom told me the first day she tried to get her to take a nap, she squinted her eyes open to see if Elena was asleep, and when she thought she was, she tried to sneak off. Apparently Elena saw her doing this, because on Day 2, Elena did this exact same thing – she tried to sneak off when she thought her Mamaw was good and asleep!

These are the types of things I’ll be recording. Most of the time, it’ll probably be quick, and not exactly these great pieces of writing. But that’s ok – all that matters to me at this point in my life is that it *is* documented!

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