
Archive for April, 2011

Liam’s first Easter

Sunday was Liam’s very first Easter! He didn’t know it, but I had a great time dressing him up and showing him his basket. He enjoyed looking at everything, especially his new books!!

He was fussy much of the day, and then yesterday he cried most of the day at daycare. I took him to the doctor today, and come to find out, the poor little guy has an ear infection. He has had two colds back to back, which is likely what caused the infection in his ears. He started an antibiotic for his ears today, so hopefully that will clear things up quickly. They also weighed him and he is 15 lbs 3 oz.

Here are some pictures from Easter!

If you are wondering where this aDORable hat and tail came from, check out my friend Amy’s new Etsy shop! She not only makes amazing hats, she prays for each child/baby as she crochets their hat!

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Ella & Beckett’s dedication

Last week-end we drove to Quincy, IL for the baby dedication of my newest niece, Ella, and her cousin on the other side of the family, Beckett. The dedication service was very nice, and a good time was had by all!

For me, one of the highlights of the week-end was that Liam rolled over from back to front more than once! He hasn’t done it since then, but it’s a start! I’m sure it won’t be long before he realizes he can roll across the floor to get to where he wants to go.

Here are some pictures from the week-end.

Great-Grandpa John

4 generations of Mohrs

Snuggling Grandma Sheryl

Reading a story with mommy

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April 19

All month long, I couldn’t wait to post a video slide show of Liam on April 19, commemorating one year since his embryo was transferred to my womb. Then, on the day itself, it completely slipped my mind!

It’s so very hard to believe it’s been over a year since we went to Virginia to claim what we didn’t know at the time would turn into our perfect baby boy. It’s amazing how our lives have changed since then. My life is a million times better because he is in it, and I’m so grateful to live in a time when embryo donations and embryo transfers are possible.

Here is the video I have been working on for his dedication coming up on April 30th. I was hoping his 3 month photos would be in, but they’re not yet. Maybe I can add them before the 30th. 🙂

Enjoy one year of Liam pictures!!

*note – for some reason, Youtube is not playing my second song. Does anyone know of any other places to upload videos?

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New Poll

After my last post, I realized a good blogger friend already uses one of the names that had been suggested, and someone else made a wonderful new suggestion! You can read my previous post for clarification on the title that had already been taken and the reasoning behind the new name suggestion, but here is your new poll!! I was having trouble editing the old one, so I had to make a new one.

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Name change poll – please vote!!!

EDIT: I am changing the poll – I received another great suggestion and realized one of the names was taken! If you have already voted, please take a minute to vote again!

I meant to do this sooner, but time just got away from me! I received some wonderful new name suggestions, and also got some ideas of my own from the suggestions made. Thanks to everyone who contributed by comments here and by email!! Below are my favorite suggestions, and at the bottom I am including a poll. Please vote which name you like the best!! I, of course, will take the final say in what the blog is named – it is MY blog after all! 😀 However, I would appreciate your input so much!

Here are my favorite suggestions, giving credit to their authors, and my thoughts about the name.

“Rainbow After the Storm” suggested by Carli and Nicole – I like it!! As Carli said, it acknowledges the storm, incorporates the current name, and shows where I am now. EDIT: I just remembered this name is taken.
“Rain or Shine” suggested by Lori – I also like this one a lot! As Lori said, it maintains my weather theme, and it lets the reader know I still have rainy days along with the sunny ones.
“In This Storm a Rainbow Appeared” suggested by Deborah P. I like it for the same reason as the first name!
“Liam Logs” by Deb Z. I love the alliteration in this, but I wanted to include Madelyn, too, so in my poll I’m expanding it to say “Memories of Madelyn & Liam Logs”
Mattie suggested using another line from the song “In This Storm”. So I chose “Praise the God Who Gives and Takes Away”. That may be a bit long for a blog title though….
Several people suggested “After the Storm”, which is something I had though of as well. Then Shawn suggested “Weathered the Storm” and I liked the sound of that one a bit better.

EDIT: New addition: “Rainbow in the Cloud”, suggested by Ant. His idea was based on Genesis 9:14 and 9:16.

“It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud…”

I received several other wonderful suggestions – it was really hard to narrow them down!

So here is the poll with the above suggestions and a few others. Thank you for voting!

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15 weeks

How in the world can he be 15 weeks/3.5 months old when most days I’m still awestruck he is here??? At the same time, he is my world, and I can barely imagine life before him.

This week Liam has been grabbing, grabbing, grabbing!! He even tried to put one of his toys in his mouth, but didn’t manage to hold it long enough to chew on it very long. He is able to hold onto his pacifier frog while that is in his mouth, though.

He also is trying very hard to pull himself into a sitting position. If he is in his swing, I have to watch him closely or he ends up sideways from pulling himself up and then falling over. Thank goodness he is always strapped in!!

I have a feeling this little guy can’t wait to be on the move. If we hold him in a standing position on the bed, he will actually take several steps!! He is so curious about everything, we better do a good job of babyproofing our house when the time comes!!

He is such a passionate baby. When he is happy, which is most of the time these days, he is so very happy! He will look at us, especially his dad, and start laughing for no reason at all!! And then when we respond to that, he laughs more and more until it eventually gives him the hiccups, and then he will still try to laugh through the hiccups. But when he is upset, he gives the saddest baby cry, as though we have broken his heart, and tears pour down his tiny face.

He continues to be so curious. We were told that at daycare they have to take him in a quiet room with not much going on to feed him, or he gets too distracted to eat. Sleeping works the same way!!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this week.

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The past 2 weeks

Liam is 14 weeks old!! Yep, I’m still counting the weeks, even though I tell people who ask that he is 3 months old. Last week I didn’t do an update post, because all I could think about was leaving him. But I don’t want to get in the habit of doing that!!

The return to work was extremely hard for me. I hated leaving him so much! The 3rd and 4th days back were still hard, but not quite as bad as the first 2 days. I am really loving this part-time arrangement, even though it’s temporary. I only wish my employer would allow me to stay part-time! I am doubtful they will, but but a girl can hope! Staying part-time would be the perfect arrangement for me, allowing me to work on my career, bring in income, but also be home with Liam the majority of the week.

Liam seems to have adjusted to daycare just fine. He is being watched by people who are very close to us, and I am grateful for that, knowing he gets lots of loving throughout the day. I also love that they text me pictures while I’m at work – those pictures are the highlight of my work day!

In recent Liam developmental news, he has started to grab onto things besides our hands. Earlier this week he reached out and grabbed a toy that dangles from his playmat, and he has been grabbing things ever since! He also loves to hold onto the frog that is attached to his pacifier and to his giraffe sound machine. He also likes to chew on things, but his favorite things to put in his mouth are his hands. He is constantly doing that.

He is sitting very well these days, though he obviously still needs much back support. If he is slightly reclined on our laps, he will often pull himself up into a sitting position.

I don’t remember if I already mentioned this in a previous post, but he has started clasping his hands together in recent weeks. He also rubs his eyes when he is tired.

He is getting much better about taking naps. He will now sleep without being rocked, and he doesn’t always wake up if I try to lay him down. He has been sleeping well at daycare too, and I’m very glad about that!

Here are some pictures taken over the past few weeks.

Nathan, Me, Tollie, Jonathan (Nathan's brother) and the kiddos!

One proud grandpa!!

Bumbo baby!

Baths are fun!

I like to sit in this chair while mom cooks or takes a shower!

Mom bought these for me her first day back to work!

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Name change needed

In the early days of my pregnancy with Liam, I decided not to start a new blog to document that pregnancy, but to keep everything here. I felt there was so much overlap, I couldn’t separate the two pregnancies or babies. But now, “In This Storm” doesn’t seem quite appropriate as it doesn’t give the whole picture. However, I’m terrible at thinking of names. Does anyone have a suggestion???

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Liam’s laughter

I promise to write a Liam post this week-end – I was so distraught over going back to work I didn’t do one last week. Enjoy the video! It makes me smile from the inside out. 🙂

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The dreaded return to work

I didn’t cry when I picked my clothes for today.

I didn’t cry when I put my pump and pump parts in a bag to bring to work.

I didn’t cry when I set my alarm, the same alarm I turned off 3 months ago in anticipation of my leave.

I didn’t cry when I went to bed with him curled against my chest. And I didn’t cry when I nursed him this morning, or even when I pulled out of the driveway with him in the back seat.

But when I arrived at our destination and walked around to get him out of the car, it hit me. And I cried. And I cried the entire 35 minutes it took me to get to work. And I’ve been crying off and on ever since.

On the way to work, my mind took me back to leaving Madelyn at the hospital. And I remembered that while this is hard – really, really hard – at the end of the day, I can go to him. He will be back in my arms at the end of every day I must leave him.

If I survived leaving my baby girl at the hospital, I can survive this. If I survived burying my daughter, I can survive this. This isn’t easy, but I will get through it. Because even though I must spend some time apart from him, I get to spend life with him. I have so many wonderful memories to make with him, and my working won’t change that. I will miss him every single minute of my work day, but I still get to watch him grow up.

I know he will be ok. And so will I. But today I know it’s ok to cry. I’m sure it will get easier with time. But I will always, always miss him while I’m away.

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